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Minecraft Castle Build #1

Witch Doctor

Diablo 3 Male Witch DoctorMost believe the fearsome witch doctor of the umbaru race a legend, but I have seen one in battle with my own eyes. And it was difficult to believe, even then. He dispatched his opponent with terrifying precision, assaulting his victim’s mind and body with elixirs and powders that evoked fires, explosions, and poisonous spirits. As if these assaults were not enough, the witch doctor also had at his command the ability to summon undead creatures from the netherworld to rend the flesh from his enemy’s body.

I came upon this rare display as I ventured deep into the interior of the dense Torajan jungles that cover the southern tip of the great eastern continent, in the vast area known as the Teganze, with the goal of seeking out the tribes that reside there. This area is extremely secluded, and heretofore unseen by foreign eyes. I was fortunate to befriend the witch doctor I saw in battle, and, through him, his tribe: the Tribe of the Five Hills.

The culture of the umbaru of the lower Teganze is fascinating and perplexing to those hailing from more civilized walks of life. For instance, the Tribe of the Five Hills frequently engages in tribal warfare with both the Clan of the Seven Stones and the Tribe of the female witch doctorClouded Valley, but these are matters of ritual and not of conquest. I had heard tales that these wars are waged in order that the victors may replenish their supply of raw materials for the human sacrifices that their civilization revolves around, and when I timidly asked my hosts more about this topic, I must admit their laughter made me fear for my safety.Diablo 3 Female Witch Doctor However, through stumbled attempts at communication of such complex topics as what constitutes heroism and honour in their society, I gathered that only those taken in battle are considered worthy of the ritual sacrifice, much to my relief.

Upon further discussions with my hosts, I discovered that these tribes define themselves by their belief in the Mbwiru Eikura, which roughly translates to “The Unformed Land” (this is an imprecise translation, as this concept is completely foreign to our culture and language). This belief holds that the true, sacred reality is veiled behind the physical one we normally experience. Their vitally important public ceremonies are centred upon sacrifices to the life force that flows from their gods, who inhabit the Unformed Land, into this lesser physical realm.

The witch doctors are finely attuned to this Unformed Land and are able to train their minds to perceive this reality through a combination of rituals and the use of selected roots and herbs found in the jungles. They call the state in which they interact with this other world the Ghost Trance.

Alongside the primacy of the belief in the life force and the Unformed Land, the second most sacred belief of the tribes is their philosophy of self-sacrifice and non-individuality, of suppressing one’s self-interest for the good of the tribe. This idea, so foreign to our culture, struck me as something I wished to delve into much more deeply.

The New Witch Doctor in Diablo 3

Diablo 3 Witch Doctor’s Skills

Witch Doctor Skill: Locust Swarm

Diablo 3 Witch Doctor Skill Locust Swarm Locust Swarm is a very effective attack to have as it will remain effective until all the attackers have been killed. If you also use it on your minions it will stay with the minions and not hurt them. It’s also very helpful after the use of the Horrify attack because once the enemy has been scared away you can use locust swarm to kill them off while they are running away.

Witch Doctor Class

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Witch Doctor Skill: Mass Confusion

Diablo 3 Witch Doctor Skill Mass Confusion Mass Confusion is a very good attack but only when you have more than 3 enemies. The idea of the Mass Confusion attack is to slow your attacker’s ability to co-ordinate their attack and confuses them into attacking each other instead of you! Typically lasting for about 8 seconds and works best on groups of enemies of 6 or more, it can get you out of some tight spots. I recommend this attack, but if there’s 5 or less attackers, you might be better off using Locust Swarm instead.

 Witch Doctor Class

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Witch Doctor Skill: Soul Harvest

Diablo 3 Witch Doctor Skill Soul Harvest The Soul Harvest ability is very handy to help boost your health. Each time you kill an enemy, some of that creature’s energy will enter into you, boosting your health. In party mode, you will also gain small amounts of energy from every kill within the group.

Witch Doctor Class

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Witch Doctor Skill: Horrify

Diablo 3 Witch Doctor Skill Horrify Horrify is one of the best attacks a Witch Doctor can have, it’s one of the simplest as well. It’s very easy to use and quite effective. It gives you time to prepare for the battle as it scares your enemies away giving you time to get an attack ready. Its also a must have for the Witch Doctor as when you’re in a group and a swarm of enemies attack you will scare them away giving you and your team mates time to heal and get ready.

 Witch Doctor Class

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Witch Doctor Skill: Firebomb

Diablo 3 Witch Doctor Skill Firebomb The Witch Doctor’s firebomb is a deadly, rapid fire attack which can be used frequently. Each time you fire and it hits the ground, it explodes, so that anything around it will be arbitrated. The firebomb is the Witch Doctors most commonly used weapon as it’s easy to use and quick to fire. It can be used at long and short ranged and is a good all-round weapon that also looks really cool!

Witch Doctor Class

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