Game of the Month


Minecraft Castle Build #1

Demon Hunter

Diablo 3 Female Demon HunterHave just returned from my travels on the edge of the frozen wasteland known as the Dreadlands, a once-beautiful place forever changed by some great calamity in its history. Now, only ruined cities and bleak landscapes remain, no place for any living thing. I was headed for the village of Bronn for the night, but when I arrived, I found a scene of devastation such as I had never seen before. I should have fled at the first sign of danger, but my curiosity drove me forward. Most of the town’s buildings had been burnt to their foundations, and a few charred timbers were the only sign of where they had once stood. Ash choked my lungs. There were bodies strewn everywhere, many dismembered and some even half consumed. The city was abandoned.

Or so I thought.

From the husk of the inn, one of the few buildings still standing, monstrous, gray-skinned creatures burst forth, shouting in some infernal tongue. They were masses of misshapen flesh, of sinewy muscle made for battle. Helpless, I stood frozen as they drew close. The one in the lead seized me by the front of my cloak and lifted me from the ground, its claws tearing through fabric and skin. Its breath was hot on my face, and I was assaulted by the putrid smell of rotten flesh. Its mouth yawned wide, and I saw rows of sharpened teeth, yellowed and stained with blood. I thought only of the shame that my voice would be silenced, never to illuminate another of the wonders of our world for you, my loyal readers.

A sharp sound whistled by my ear, and a crossbow bolt sprouted from the eye of the beast before me, spraying my face with its burning blood. It howled an inhuman cry of pain and threw me to the ground, grabbing at the quarrel. The other creatures scanned for this unseen attacker, and I was forgotten for the moment. From the ground at their feet, I tore my head around to see where the bolt had come from.

That was when I saw a demon hunter for the first time.

The girl could have been no more than twenty. She emerged from the shadows cast by the setting sun and wasted no time in dispatching the rest of my attackers. Her hands worked twin crossbows, launching a glowing arc of flaming bolts over my head, blanketing the hulking monsters. Every shot found its mark in one of the horned beasts, felling the lot of them. From the corner of my eye, I saw more of the savage brutes sneaking up on her from behind. My voice froze in my throat as I tried to scream a warning. I needn’t have worried: she was not unaware. The hunter reached into her belt and rolled a trio of strange metal spheres into their path. The monsters looked down just as the contraptions exploded into light and flame, stunning them. It gave her enough time to round on them, her crossbows dispatching them one by one.

The New Demon Hunter in Diablo 3

Diablo 3 Demon Hunter’s Skills

Demon Hunter Skill: Molten Arrow

Diablo 3 Demon Hunter Skill Molton Arrow This attack is great for 1v1 battles as it does high damage with 1 shot, as this attack is not a malty shot it does greater damage, where as if you were to use Fan Of Knifes on your 1v1 enemy battle, this attack it’s a blasé waiting to hit your opponent, the arrow is surrounded by burning molten fire.

Demon Hunter Class

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Demon Hunter Skill: Grenade

Diablo 3 Demon Hunter Skill Grenade This attack is wonderful agent’s small groups of monsters as it bounces before it explodes. This does high damage to anything near it, and it will bounce around your opponent so he known’s that it’s there, it’s more like torture before they die.

Demon Hunter Class

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Demon Hunter Skill: Bola

Diablo 3 Demon Hunter Skill Bola This attack is another of her damage attacks, it’s quite a cool attack because it’s like the Molten Arrow, but it’s not an arrow, and it explodes, with will also do small damage to other players/monsters around her. It’s like the Molten Arrow because it’s a fire attack.

Demon Hunter Class

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Demon Hunter Skill: Entangling Shot

Diablo 3 Demon Hunter Skill Entangling Shot This attack does not do as much damage as the Demand Hunters other attacks because it’s an attack that can attack 1-5 monsters/players at a time, the higher the skill the level the longer the attack goes on for and the more damage it does. This attack is like a Shadowy Arrow and continues to attack monster after monster.

Demon Hunter Class

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Demon Hunter Skill: Fan Of Knifes

Diablo 3 Demon Hunter Skill Fan Of Knifes This attack for the Demand Hunter it’s great for army’s of monsters, as it does high damage will lots of malty shots it would make a perfect decoy as your team starts to demolish your enemy. This attack is where she throws 1-12 Knifes at one time in a spinning motion so that any monsters around you will die.

Demon Hunter Class

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